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Limassol, Cyprus – 22 September 2023. TCS Group Holding PLC (TCS LI) (the "Group"), a leading provider of financial and lifestyle services via its digital ecosystem, is pleased to announce that Mrs. Tatiana Kouznetsova, Mr. Vitaly Pyltsov and Mr. Dmitry Trembovolsky have agreed to join the Board of Directors of the Company, each serving as an independent non-executive Director, with effect from close of business today.

In addition at the same time, Mrs. Kouznetsova joins the Remuneration and Sustainability Committees, Mr. Pyltsov joins the Remuneration Committee, as well as the Audit Committee which he will chair from 1 January 2024, and Mr. Trembovolsky will join the Audit and Strategy Committees of the Board. There are no other changes to the current composition of or roles in the Committees.

All three will stand for re-election at the Company’s 2023 AGM.

Mr. Pyltsov currently serves as an independent non-executive Director of Etalon Group plc and of Renaissance Insurance Group.

Except as disclosed, there are no matters requiring disclosure pursuant to Listing Rule 9.6.13.

For enquiries:


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